Baby girl is now close to 37 weeks now and wife has developed a cough so bad after she caught the flu bug from Ryan. The good news is that the itchiness had subsided significantly after a round of piruton but the cough is really bugging her now. She is coughing so much that she can hardly sleep.
So, we brought forward our appointment with Dr Guna to see what could be done with the cough. Unfortunately, nothing much except some medication. In fact, he was joking that it could be good …hahaha….
Anyway, checks revealed that little baby girl is still not ready as her head is still no engage. The doctor is expecting that to happen anytime next week. Meanwhile, we were asked to go back on Monday early in the morning with bags all packed and ready and if the baby’s head is engaged, he will suggest to induce delivery as the baby is now already 3.1kg and might be a little too huge for wife since she has not been used to delivering a big baby. (Ryan was only 2.2kg when he arrived)…
So, here we are now, waiting for Monday to arrive.
Meanwhile, while waiting, we also went to make another big investment yesterday. With a new baby arriving, we thought that it would be good if we trade in one of our cars for a bigger MPV. And if we don’t get that done this week, we would probably have to wait an entire month if not two (since she would be in her confinement period). We were pretty specific in what we were looking at and the most salesman in town had trouble getting us what we really wanted.
Well, we did find something close to what we want with a small compromise in the interior colour (we wanted something light but we ended with black and grey instead). On hind sight, it would save me a lot of screaming to make sure that Ryan does not dirty them while he climbs from seat to seat.
The confinement lady has been informed to be on standby while my mother is already in town and ready to help us purchase all the necessary Chinese herbs for the coming confinement. It looks like everything is ready for her arrival ….
Exciting times ahead …….(I better had a few more beer before she arrives as I am sure that that would be an activity that I would have to drastically reduce once she is finally here…so Kilkenny, Hoegaarden, Stella and Stalkers at Overtime…here I come …!!!!)