September 2011 (Continuation) - Backdated post
And finally, no Cameron Highlands holiday is complete without picking fresh strawberries. So, on the last morning before we checked out, we promised Ryan that we will bring him to pick some strawberries ...and the nearest strawberry farm that we can find is just outside Equatorial Hotel.
We paid Rm20 to pick 0.5kg of strawberries and we would have to pay for the extras if we picked more.
It was rather ordinary for me but super exciting for Ryan and that is what the trip is all about. Would I pay another Rm20 again to pick strawberries? For me...NO but if Ryan wants, YES of course....I guess that is what every parent would do anyway ..right??

Next ....our trip to Bali Club Med....
wow... feel like taking strawberries now.. there is one shop in IPOH called Singberry.. everything is made from strawberries.. maybe this saturday, we will go there for strawberry cocktail.. they served sweet fresh strawberries..
So enjoyable......
yes oh...pay RM20 for our child to experience plucking strawberries, why not? good exposure huh....I won't think twice too. Last time in 2004, the strawberries were bigger than now.
Did miss out this cool place- Gallery House of Magic Potions- Aromatherapy from Nano Micro-fungus. Located in Tanah Rata, Cameron Highlands. The link page at www.deegate.com
bercuti ke CH, singgah di Galeri BiGDee House of Magic Potions Taman Royal Lily, Tanah Rata. satu-satunya galeri nano microfungus aromaterapi di dunia!
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