Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blisters in the mouth ....

I sent Ryan to school as usual yesterday. He was in his jovial self especially if you can get him to sleep early the night before and got him to wake up early without having to rush.

It is routine that the school will sanitize their hands and check their temperature before allowing them to go in. However, for whatever reasons, they asked him to show them his tongue and they saw some small red blisters at the tip of his tongue. Fearing that it could foot and mouth disease which apparently is very rampant among children nowadays and fearing the worst, they have advised that Ryan be quarantined at home.

Well, Ryan was the happiest of the entire episode because he gets to stay at home and play and watch TV the entire day. I made a quick call to his paed and was advised to keep him at home for at least two days and watch out for blisters outbreak in his mouth, hands and feet for the next couple of days.

This is the second day that Ryan is at home. He seemed fine and I have not seen any outbreak yet. Hopefully, it is just normal blisters and not the foot and mouth disease. We are worried that Chenya could be infected as well.

As usual, Ryan was the happiest this morning when he woke up and was told that today also no school for him.

Now, I am quite certain that this little guy will probably tell me sometime later that he is having blisters and not fit to go school when he does not fancy going to school, just like the time that he told me that he has a stomach ache and cannot go school when he was only 2 years old....


Health Freak Mommy said...

The pre-school principal is very proactive by taking such precautionary measures. Does the school practice checking all the kids' temperature everyday?

Daddy said...

Yes.. Every morning without fail. And sanitize the kids' hands before allowing them to go to their classroom.

Mummy Gwen said...

Hope Ryan is feeling ok already by now.

More Pictures on Jeju Island Coming up NEXT!