Friday, May 25, 2012

Lara Croft in the making ....

Chenya is one super hyper active girl. She is crawling faster than his brother at his age. She is more agile than her brother at this age. We don't remember Ryan climbing sofas, chairs and TV cabinets when he was 10 months old. We did not have to keep any of the decorative items we so proudly display on our low TV cabinet. But with Chenya, we have to watch over her all the time. You never know where she will be the moment she is put on the floor.

She is inheriting all the toys from her kor kor and obviously there are either cars, aeroplanes, Ultramans, dinosours and guns ! Yupe, plenty of guns!

This is our young Lara Croft this morning. I would not mind if she grows to be kick ass sexy, beautiful, talented, resourceful, intelligent, super rich and equally deadly with her hands and feet, brandishing two guns with ease just like Angelina Jolie is ...Hahahahaha

We were shopping the other day and it suddenly dawned on mommy that Chenya does not really have a set of feminine toy of her own. So, we went ahead and bought a full set of what else ...`masak masak' ....(but I think she still prefers the guns ....slap head !). I think I better child proof Zoewe, our toy poodle before Chenya uses her as target practice or her punching bag.


Yee Ling said...

The hair*chuckles** cute ler.

Health Freak Mommy said...

All my 3 girls were hyperactive when they were babies, crawling at 4-5MO and walked at 9MO. Till now they still are hyperactive! And my #1 still loves boy toys :(

Unknown said...

Love her hair style. :)

CathJ said...

Sexy hair.... :)

Oh same here... My little boy is more active than my big boy when he was a baby. I went to the post office today.. And the clerk said 'tak pandai diam la your baby'.... That s mean he really really super active 1.. Lol

chinnee said...

hehe....i think its normal when our younger child has different gender older siblings. my boys were so excitedly playing cooking and barbie dolls when they were younger !

More Pictures on Jeju Island Coming up NEXT!