Date: 8th March 2009
Time : 3:45pm
Ryan was born in the year of the rat, but he is more like a little monkey to us. He has been attempting to stand over the last two weeks or so, despite being sick with running nose, cough and fever. He will be grabbing at anything his hands can get hold of and he will most certainly try to pull himself up. Hence, we have been watching him like a hawk.
We also noticed that he is able to stand while holding on to something for a few days now but he has not attempted to let go and stand on his own....at least not until today.
He was playing with us as usual on the masterbed and refused to sleep. As usual, his favourite toy is his daddy and mommy. He was climbing all the over the bed and the pillows as usual and have been holding on to us while he tried to stand. We did not pay much attention to him. However, suddenly, to our horror and joy at the same time, we noticed that he was standing on his own without holding to anything while one of his hand was still clinging to his beloved TV remote controller. Before, we could say 'Hei...' he toppled over.
I quickly grab my camera and wait for him to try his stunt again. It was not as easy as he has noticed my camera and wanted my camera instead. We have to hide the camera while patiently wait for him to try to stand again. My patience paid off.
First he crawled towards my wife, picked himself up and while holding on to his mommy, he stood up. Then, with his shaky legs, he let go and was standing there all by himself. As I aimed my camera at him to click, he turned and I managed to get two good shots before he excitedly went for my camera.