30th May 2011
Ryan finally turned 3 today. We have gone through great times with him in the last 3 years. He has brought us pure joy and occasional `nightmares' but everyday he surprises us with his new learning, new words, new actions with pure cheekiness...
I can still remember vividly 3 years ago, when wife was hospitalized early when her water bag burst. She was given steroids, antibiotic and medication to delay his arrival as he was pre-matured and the doctor wanted to make sure that his lungs have developed fully and properly. On the 29th May 2011, the doctor came and after a last minute check, confirmed that Ryan will be ready for delivery and scheduled the anticipated delivery the next morning from 9 to 10 am onwards. He stopped the medication that delayed the contraction at around 6pm. By 7pm, the contraction started. I remembered the nurses were checking on the contractions the whole night and we knew that this is it...Ryan is finally coming....

We have decided early that we are definitely going to get epidural despite advices from some well intended relatives and friends. However, given that my wife will even panic when she has to do a blood test, I just cannot imagine her having to go through the ordeal without it. By 12 midnight, we told the nurses that we need epidural. She came back with a form and asked us to read the small print bla bla bla before we sign...My wife was in too much pain to even bother then..."Just give me the pen and sign!"
And then we found out that the doctor to administer the epidural have to come from Ampang. We were told that he has been informed. When you are experiencing labour pain, every minute is like an hour, and he took one full hour to arrive ...hair unkempt (as if he just woke up from his sleep) and in slippers....(See also panic!.) He administered the first dose and said that it should work in 30 minutes....

30 minutes went past..and nothing! Wife was grabbing my arms and squeezing it so tight that I would need the epidural injection next....We called the nurse and he came in, looking puzzled! (Although I looked cool and calm then, I can tell you...panic lar...) He checked and then said he will administer a little bit more...and said something like "full dose already...emmmm" (You tell me....panic or not??)
I think the epidural finally worked around 3pm and wife got to sleep a bit. I was too tired by then and I went back to her room to grab a nap, ready for Ryan's arrival the next morning....
Woke up at about 6:50a.m and after brushing my teeth, stumbled to the labour room. Dr Guna was already there and RYAN WAS COMING!!!...OMG! So early ar???
Rushed back to the room, grabbed the video camera and ran to the labour room ..arriving just in time to hear my wife pushing and screaming ....Too panicky and no time to switch on video camera lar....just hold her hands and told her to push like hell...Dr Guna said "Can see the head now." I went to have a look and with one final push, "Whoossshh.....RYAN FINALLY ARRIVED!!" The first thought....RELIEF!!!...and the JOY then sank in .....
Time of arrival : 7:13 am.
Weight: 2.22kg
Length: 44 cm
....and I'm getting ready to go through all this again soon.....hahahaha.....

(Images captures with my Nikon D90 with Nikkor 50mm 1.8 portrait lens)