Grandma has passed on and in her passing, she gave us her final and the best gift that a mother could give...she gathered the family of 4 generations for once after almost 2 decades !
This family just like many families have our issues that dated back decades. My mother and her brothers have been not really been able to see eye to eye on many issues. Being young and hot temper, I vividly remembered the arguments and full blown quarrels whenever the family got together. I even remembered quarrels during Chinese New Year reunion. Talk about a dysfunctional family.
Over the years, they have resorted to not talking to each other or even got together for any gatherings or reunion. Needless to say, my generation has lost all contacts with my cousins and my children's generation would probably end up as total strangers.
Days leading to her departure when grandma was growing weaker, there were lots of doubts as to who will be coming back for the funeral. As she grew weaker, we could almost sensed that she was waiting for her sons and grandchildren to go back to see her one last time..and she got her wish (almost but it was good enough for her ...more of that in my next post).
When she went, I was pleasantly surprised and glad that all my uncles (with the exception of one) and almost all grandchildren made it a point to get home to sent her off her final journey.
Believe it or not, I got to see many of my cousins whom I have not met or talk to over the last decade and a couple of whom have grown up with me together when we were all being taken care of by my grandparents. It was amazing sitting down and remembered those days where we were together and how grandma used to punish some of us when we were naughty or sharing how we best remember her.
It was good to see us coming together after all these years and even more so, seeing my Ryan playing and getting close to some of my cousins' children.
I made it a point to make sure that we got our handphone numbers and Facebook accounts and ensuring that I have add them as family members.
The family picture taken above, is THE FIRST family portrait of the Yeong family after more than 2 decades. It was touching to see my cousins liking the pictures of the funeral when the pictures were loaded and commenting on how fondly they remembered their grandmother as well.
She has given us the Final and the BEST GIFT of all ....togetherness as a family that I intend to work towards keeping as much as I could ....
Thank you so much Por Por. We all miss you very much and we will treasure and cherish and protect this gift that you have given to us.