Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Clap Clap Clap ....:)

16th April 2012
Chenya is almost nine months old now. She is one cheerful baby and it has been such a joy just playing and looking at her. As compared to Ryan when he was younger, it is definitely easier to handle her. Probably the fact that Chenya is a full term baby as compared to Ryan who was born pre-maturely has something to do with it. It is definitely much easier to feed her.

In fact, she is consuming 6 to 7 oz of breast milk every 3 to 4 hours as compared to Ryan who is still consuming only 6 oz every feed NOW (besides his normal solid meals).

We have already started Chenya on solids 3 months ago and she is taking rice cereals mixed with breast milk and a combination of different fruits and vegetables such as pumpkins, peach, apples and pears.

Making faces is one of her favourite past time and we had such a wonderful time laughing at all the types of faces she made.

And we discovered just a day ago, when she has learnt how to clap and laughed cheekily at the same time whenever she is happy and excited. The feeling is totally out of this world ....simply awesome ...another milestone to be captured and to be remembered by .....


Health Freak Mommy said...

Your baby girl looks like a very happy baby! You have 3 kids too?

Daddy said...

I have two from my previous marriage. Both are now in Christchurch NZ. I have two now staying with me from my current marriage. Ryan is going to 4 soon and Chenya is going to be 9 months this Friday....:)

Reanaclaire said...

So nice to record their growing stage in a blog! How I wish I could do the same when my kids were young... in the 1980sss... no blogging yet! :(

Vickylow said...

Another achievement of Chenya, thumbs up. She look alike gor gor.

More Pictures on Jeju Island Coming up NEXT!