We caught him playing with his saliva one day while watching TV. He was comfortably sitting in his high back chair watching his favourite cartoon. The more we laughed at him, the happier he became and the greater the saliva show.
He is really an attention seeker and is most happy when all eyes are on him.
Ryan and Zoewe likes to play together. And Ryan likes to take Zoewe's favourite toys like her ball and pebbles while Zoewe would like to take his little building blocks away. They were playing as usual and Ryan managed to grab Zoewe's favourite `sepak takraw' ball and was walking everywhere in the house with it. Zoewe was following him all the over the house and trying to grab it back whenever she gets the chance.
I managed to grab this video and see how a sore loser Ryan can be when he lost the ball to Zoewe. Fortunately, Zoewe is such a good nature pet and she totally just ignored him and walked away.
23rd Aug 2009
He has been taking a few steps at a time but nothing more than 5 before he would just sit down and crawl instead. I'm a little worried that he will take much longer to learn to walk if he continued preferring to crawl than walk (since he finds it faster to reach his `targets' when he crawls). With lots of encouragements from my mother in law (who is staying with us during the school holidays, the maid who spends a lot of time with him and us), he finally managed to take more than 5 steps! Another great milestone achieved. :)
His punk spiky look!!!!!
We had a great time taking pictures of him with this new hair style. Once, we are satisfied, we took him to the hairdresser. We were worried that he will be not be still or will be yelling and screaming away, but surprise surprise....
He was so quiet and still throughout, seemingly enjoying the process, either the sound of the electric hair cropper or the sensation of his hair being cut.
He actually looked so different after the hair cut. So much naughtier. We actually had to take some time to get ourselves accustomed to him not having any hair. Our next hair style for him would be one with a little tail...hehe...
This is a modified recipe from Jamie Oliver. Proved to be an excellent hit recently when we served this during Ryan's birthday.