I noticed that his upper second teeth has came out several days ago while washing him up and this morning, I noticed that his lower front teeth is coming out as well. No wonder, his bite has more sting now. Before long, he would have all four front teeth ready to give anyone who dares to put their fingers into his mouth a painful nip.
He has been adapting well to the Day Care centre though he hardly slept during the first few days, probably due to the new environment. The helpers were telling us, "Ini baby ar...tak mahu tidur oh...mahu main saja..(This baby refused to sleep. He just wanted to play)." Apparently, the few days record showed that he only have several naps of no longer than 15 minutes. And everytime, when I logged into the webcam of the day care to look at him, he is always awake, playing by himself or with some helpers.
The downside of sending him to the Day Care center of course, was exposing him to other children who might not be feeling well, something that we fear from day one. And true enough, Ryan came down with a running nose, cough and fever on Friday. He is much better now. Unfortunately, the daddy has caught the flu bug. My nose is blocked right now, my whole body aches and my throat is sore.
I better be well in the next few days, as I would need to travel on Wednesday and Thursday. It would be pretty interesting and challenging to leave Ryan with his mommy alone while I travel. It used to be the other way round.