Time : 5:43 a.m.
Ryan finally turns ONE today. The past one year has been an exciting year. From the moment the labour pain started one year ago till the moment I held him in my arms and gave him his milk several minutes ago, before he wriggled down onto my master bed and snuggled comfortably between my wife and me, it has been amazing adventure.
When he was just a day old, I wondered how long will it take before he turns one. When he was still so fragile as I held him in my hand, I wondered when he will be strong enough to stand on his own without support. As I looked back, he has brought much joy and fulfillment to both our lives. Watching him grow and develop everyday and the new things that he has learnt is like our very own discovery channel, live and unedited.
As I read back the many posts since I started this blog in October and the many comments, advise, feedbacks, encouragements that we have received from the many mums and friends, we are glad that our lives have somehow touched and that you have been a part of this growing journey that we are going through. For that, we would like to thank you. I certainly hope that when Ryan gets old enough to read this blog, he too will appreciate all the aunties and uncles who have also somehow `watch' him grow.
Now, we are happily and anxiously looking forward to his `terrible twos'....