It’s that nail biting moment again, the moment when I have to clip Ryan’s finger nails and toe nails. The last time I did it was when he was 2 months old before we sent him to the babysitter. Now that I have officially taken over as the babysitter, the task inadvertently lands on me. I had better get it done, as both his finger and toe nails are rather long. My already not so handsome face is slowly becoming even more unsightly, with scars and scratches from this little monster of 6 months old, ever scratching, pinching and grabbing at my nose, lips, cheeks and eye brows at the slightest opportunity.
Everytime, as I hold his little fragile fingers and carefully positioned the nail clipper, my heart literally misses a beat as I hold my breath to clip it. It is probably the longest few minutes as I have to attend to all ten little fingers and his feet. Needless to say, I will be sweating like a waterfall once the deed is done.
At least now, the scars on my face have time to heal before his next nail clipping moment. Sigh…..
Everytime, as I hold his little fragile fingers and carefully positioned the nail clipper, my heart literally misses a beat as I hold my breath to clip it. It is probably the longest few minutes as I have to attend to all ten little fingers and his feet. Needless to say, I will be sweating like a waterfall once the deed is done.
At least now, the scars on my face have time to heal before his next nail clipping moment. Sigh…..
well, that's great since he allows u to cut his finger nails...
my gal will never give me her hand when she is awake.. so, can only perform this job at night while she was sleeping since day 1...
as of now, i need to bite+hold the torch light using my teeth in the dark pointing at her finger nails & cut 1 by 1... *phew*
good tip for u if u always sweat like a waterfall clipping his nails....
when ryan's nails start to grow just a bit longer, use a nail filer instead! there's less accidents and i'm sure it's easier on daddy!
well, i have never trimmed my son's nails since he's born! my man helps me to do it all along, cause i'm too scared to hurt my boy as i'm so clumsy! so i know excatly how u felt when you were cutting his nails! Ke!
my son used to bite his fingernails when he was a baby, and it became a habit! he unknowingly was biting the skin and it infected his thumb! We had to bring him to the doc because of the infection! after that, he sort of didn't like the idea of a bandage on his thumb so he didn't nailbite again. thanks for posting this, i was nostalgic for a moment, I miss my babies---now they're 4 and 6 yo!
no worries..more practice..then no more cuts...
My wife also dare not cut. She is also afraid that she might cut Ryan's fingers. I don't think I can use nail filers. I can't stand the sound. It's one of those sound that will cause me to have goose pimples all over...eeeee...
Hi Beth. Then, isn't it time to start thinking of having another one?? HEHE...
mommy confession #2,938.
::: the first time i clipped my newborns nails, i made his little finger bleed. immediately I burst into tears and ran for the phone. I was off to call 911! i was completely convinced that my baby would bleed to death and it would be all my fault...
when 'dad' asked me why i was so freaked out, i babbled on hormonally.... 'what IF he is a hemophiliac and we don't know it yet? are we just going to sit here and allow our poor little sweet baby to BLEED to death!!?? now GIVE ME THAT PHONE!"
oh. man. embarrassing.
ps. he's now 15 and he never turned out to be a hemophiliac. :)
yes! i get goosepimples too when i hear a nail file. eeeeek!
Hi Keeper of Chocolates. LOL! I had a good laugh! But honestly, if I had cut his fingers and they bled, I guess I will be panicking too. Hei. Thanks for dropping by. Will add you to my blog list to remind myself to visit you frequently.
I do agreed with you that it is not an easy task to trim baby's nails. For Sarah, my husband is the one who is doing this...
Bravo to you...
I actually accidentally cut Elyssa's finger during her 2nd month. A little nick with some blood. I don't know who cried more - me or her. I just felt like an awful, awful mum at that time!
My gal did not like the finger nail cutting when she was a baby. However luckily the babysitter did it for me most of the time. And now the boy is going to a different babysitter. This babysitter said she's clumsy and she dare not cut the boy's finger nail. So I have to do it myself. And lucky for me is he let me do it without much trouble! :)
I started cutting Chloe's finger/toe nails a few days after I gave birth to her. I thought my eyes were going to popped out! I tried not to blink & really opened my eyes widely... But someway, somehow, I've mastered it.
It was actually easier when she was a newborn. Few months later, she became so restless. So, I then cut her finger nails when she was sleeping..
I have need been good with that. Practice does help and it gets easier when they grow older :)
My 4 yr old doesn't mind having his nails cut--when he has a hangnail, he'll bring me the clippers. My 6 yr old? That's another story. I have to cut his nails after he falls asleep at night. Go to the camping section at Walmart or Target and get one of those headlamp/light things (like a doctor would wear). I LOVE it for clipping nails or pulling out the occasional splinter.
I use scissor nail cutter..I feel it's safer than those nail clipper..what's more cheaper as those trusted brand. I'm lucky as leon will sit quietly till i finish the cutting...lol
hahahha oh so u cant stand the sound of nail filer? hahaha, 1st time i've heard abt this :) for me, i really hate the sound of utensils scratching against plates... omg... all my hair will stand........
Hi daddy, if you dislike the cutting sounds, you may try to use scissors, there is those nail cutting scissors in the market. I use this scissors since my babies new born, easy to use and more safe... I buy it from Pigeon, quite expensive, RM40++... but can use for long term... my girl now 2 yr +, still can use it
Haha. I can stand the cutting sound but it's the sound of filing a nail that will sent me up the wall. Everytime, when my sisters go back to our hometown, they will get this lady to come to do their nails. OMG, I will go and hide everytime she start filing their nails...eeeiiiikkkk...just thinking about it already gives me goose bumps....!
Hi Agnes. Maybe you should take up Ali's suggestion and get a light that can be attached to your forehead instead of the stun that you are currently doing by biting the torch light. Haha. Wear the head lamp, and viola, you be instantly becomes the 'NAIL SURGEON!!!'
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